Environmental protection industry

Environmental Specialists



ENERGOPROJEKT-WARSZAWA SA has been involved in the performance of environmental impact assessments since 1995, i.e., since it has been mandatory according to Polish law, mainly for projects in the energy industry. They include the construction or reconstruction of electricity and heat generation sources, landfills for non-hazardous and inert waste, flue gas desulphurisation plants, heat recovery incineration plants and facilities for waste and biomass co-incineration in energy plants. Among other things, we have performed environmental impact reports for coal-fired large power units at the Kozienice Power Plant 1 x 1,000 MW, the Opole Power Plant 2 x 900 MW and the Ostrołęka Power Plant 1 x 1,000 MW. On their basis, new units were built in Kozienice and Opole, and construction work began in Ostrołęka.

The EIA reports for the combined cycle gas and steam units in Poland, built at the Lublin Wrotków CHP Plant, the Rzeszów CHP Plant, and the Zielona Góra CHP Plant, were developed by ENERGOPROJEKT-WARSZAWA SA. We may obtain an environmental decision on the project at the Contracting Entity’s request and on their behalf if needed.


ENERGOPROJEKT-WARSZAWA SA is experienced in developing applications for and amendments to integrated permits and BAT analyses.

They have developed applications for and amendments to integrated permits for the Bełchatów Power Plant, the Kozienice Power Plant, the Rybnik Power Plant, Ostrołęka Power Plant, the Pątnów-Adamów-Konin Power Plant Complex, the Warsaw CHP Plants, Tauron Ciepło, TAMEH, the Lublin CHP Plant, Zielona Góra CHP Plant, and the Chorzów CHP Plant.

Based on the applications developed by ENERGOPROJEKT-WARSZAWA SA, the Pątnów II Power Plant, the Pątnów I Power Plant and the Konin Power Plant, the Chorzów CHP Plant, the Blachownia Generating Plant and, in the coking sector, the Radlin Coking Plant and the Przyjaźń Coking Plant were granted derogations from the BAT Conclusions.


In the years 2000–2003, ENERGOPROJEKT-WARSZAWA SA was involved in many works commissioned by the power sector concerning the implementation of Directive 80/609/EEC and Directive 2001/80/EC used by the Government of the Republic of Poland for the preparation of Poland’s negotiating position before the EU accession.

ENERGOPROJEKT-WARSZAWA SA, in consortium with EY, after the publication of the first draft of the BREF review for significant combustion sources, prepared Polish comments on this document, which were submitted in 2013 to the IPPC Office in Seville.

Subsequently, in 2014–2015, they produced a study entitled “Impact of the New LCP BREF and Its BAT Conclusions on the Generation Sector”. It concluded with the submission of Polish comments on the draft BAT Conclusions for significant combustion sources for the final meeting of the Technical Working Group held in 2015 in Seville with the participation of our Company’s representative.

In 2015–2016, they were involved in the implementation of the work entitled “Assessment of the Impact of BAT Conclusions on the Energy Sector in Poland”. It contained the “Guidelines for Granting Derogations from the Emission Limits Contained in the BAT Conclusions for Large Combustion Plants (LCPs) under Article 204 (2) of the Environmental Protection Act” recommended by the Ministry of the Environment.

In 2018, they performed analytical work to provide grounds for the Polish Government’s complaint against Commission Decision (EU) 2017/1442 of 31 July 2017 before the General Court of the European Union. Among other things, this work has resulted in the successful challenge to the BAT Conclusions Decision published on 17 August 2017 and its replacement by Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/2326 of 30 November 2021, establishing the best available techniques (BAT) conclusions for large combustion plants under Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council published on 30 December 2021.

Comprehensive Analyses:

  • Obtaining administrative environmental decisions in the investment process acting on behalf of the Contracting Party
  • Project information sheets and environmental impact reports to obtain a decision on environmental conditions for energy facilities and other projects
  • Environmental impact reports as part of an environmental impact reassessment
  • Applications to issue and amend integrated permits
  • Environmental monitoring projects
  • Post-implementation analyses
  • Assessment of the environmental costs and benefits in the context of applying for derogations from emission levels associated with BAT as referred to in Article 204 (2) of the Environmental Protection Act and Article 15 (4) of Directive 2010/75/EC on industrial emissions
  • Assessment of compliance with the environmental protection requirements of BAT and the BAT Conclusions, including technical and economic analyses of compliance
  • Environment-related due diligence analyses
  • Consulting services and other specialised environmental work agreed with the Contracting Party.

Major Industrial Accident Analyses:

  • Notification of plants at increased and high risk of industrial accidents to the competent authority of the State Fire Service
  • Accident prevention programmes
  • Security reports.

Air Protection Analyses:

  • Readiness assessments of energy facilities with a rated capacity of at least 300 MWe to capture CO2
  • Applications for permits to introduce gases or dust into the air and other air protection analyses.

Water and Wastewater Analysis:

  • Statements of water management conditions to the extent required by the Water Law Act
  • Analyses/balances of on-site water and wastewater management in the event of changes to existing facilities or the construction of new facilities
  • Analyses of the impact of existing and new projects on the soil and water environment
  • Assessment of the planned investment in terms of the requirements of the river basin management plan, the conditions of use of the water region waters, the flood risk management plan, the drought mitigation plan, and the national urban wastewater treatment programme.

Waste and By-Product Management Analyses:

  • Analyses and conclusions on waste management
  • Applications for recognition of an object or substance (e.g., FGD gypsum) as a by-product.

Noise Analyses:

  • Acoustic analyses and assessments for existing and planned facilities based on model calculations.
Agata ObrębskaKey Account Director


Agnieszka GurgaczHead of the Environmental Department




Poland, 02-626 Warszawa
Al. Niepodległości 58,