

in the period of over 75 years of activity, he designed facilities with a total capacity of 25618 MWe and 13308 MWt, including over 200 power units, boilers and turbosets in power plants, combined heat and power plants and heating plants in Poland and abroad.

Currently, the activity of ENERGOPROJEKT-WARSZAWA SA is focused on the design of hydroelectric power plants and hydrotechnical facilities, environmental protection and the implementation of energy investments.
ENERGOPROJEKT-WARSZAWA SA has developed the design of hydroelectric power plants as renewable energy sources. Nearly 85% of the installed capacity in Polish hydropower was created according to our company's projects, including EW Solina with reversible turbines (137 MW, after modernization – 200.2 MW), EW Włocławek – the largest in Poland with a capacity of 162 MW, Hydroelectric Power Plants of the Czorsztyn-Niedzica-Sromowce Wyżne Water Reservoir Complex, with a total capacity of 94.83 MW. In addition, about fifty smaller facilities with achievable capacities below 20 MW.

The showcase of our company are also pumped-storage power plants. ESP Żydowo (150 MW), ESP Żarnowiec (680 MW) and ESP Porąbka-Żar (500 MW) with a chamber carved in the rock, which houses the power plant equipment, are one of the most advantageous solutions in the world.
ENERGOPROJEKT-WARSZAWA SA deals comprehensively with environmental protection issues for energy facilities at the stage of investment preparation and operation. He also carried out work on the implementation of Directive 80/609/EEC and Directive 2001/80/EC used by the Government of the Republic of Poland to prepare a negotiating position Polish before accession to the EU and work for the energy sector and the government on BAT Conclusions for large combustion plants.

ENERGOPROJEKT-WARSZAWA SA cooperates with Polish universities – it participates in programs related to the development of the Polish energy sector, conceptual and scientific and research works.


POLAND, 02-626 Warszawa, al. Niepodległości 58
tel.: +48 22 522 40 00, fax: +48 22 522 41 10,

NIP: 526-00-37-267, REGON: 010609957 KRS: 0000082969

Wpis w Sądzie Rejonowym dla Warszawy w Warszawie,
XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego

ING Bank Śląski: 36 1050 1025 1000 0090 3218 1019

Share capital (fully paid up): 1 439 800 zł

The state entity – the Office of Energy Studies and Projects "ENERGOPROJEKT" Warsaw existing since September 2, 1949, was transformed on March 8, 1994 into a joint-stock company Biuro Studiów i Projektów Energetycznych "ENERGOPROJEKT-WARSZAWA" S.A. with the acquisition from the state office,
  • the right to use the trademark
  • 100% of employees
  • project documentation, including archival and technical documentation including copyrights
  • orders and orders for the execution of documentation.
Since 8 July 2011, the company has been operating under the name ENERGOPROJEKT-WARSZAWA SA

Władze Spółki

Zarząd Spółki

Marcin KłosińskiPrezes Zarządu, Dyrektor Generalny

Sławomir SamekWiceprezes Zarządu, Zastępca Dyrektora Genralnego



Poland, 02-626 Warszawa
Al. Niepodległości 58,