At present, the company specializes in designing and general contracting of hydrotechnical and hydroelectric facilities and environmental protection.
Environmental Consulting for the Pumped Storage Power Plant "Młoty"
A consortium of Energoprojekt-Warszawa SA (leader), ENERGOPROJEKT-KATOWICE SA and ARCADIS Sp. z o.o. has been selected by PGE Inwest 12 Sp. z o.o. to execute a contract for comprehensive environmental consulting for the "Młoty" Pumped Storage Powe...
75 years of EPW!
On August 23, 75 years ago, by decree of the Minister of Mining and Energy, which came into force just on August 23, the Office of Energy Projects "Energoprojekt" was established, headquartered in Warsaw, with offices in Warsaw, Katowice, Krakow, ...
We have signed an agreement with the State Water Holding Polish Waters
We have signed an agreement with the State Water Holding Polish Waters for the development of design documentation for the Project entitled: "Construction of barrages on the Lega River at km 42+000 - 44+200 along with the reconstruction of the riverbank protection of the Lega River".